Our studio in Ventura, CA is closed and we're no longer open for online sales as we focus on interior projects via CALF ltd.

nulla.club was an instagram experiment by CALF ltd. that launched in March 2021. Our mission was simple: help people find interesting items at not insane prices. Although our primary focus is on well designed vintage furniture and audio equipment we regularly include surfboards, cars, home decor and just about anything else that’s hot enough to want or need in our lives. Our instagram @nulla.club is where we spent most of our time showing off new items and helping customers.


CALF ltd. was started in 2013 by Christopher Mascari as an outlet for creative projects with a focus on interiors and furniture. Head over to calfltld.com for more.


Our studio used to be in Ventura, CA so if you’re ever in town we highly recommend spending a bit of time in our wonderful little town. Here are some of our favorite local spots to help get you situated: